7 Most Powerful Habits To Live The Life You Dreamt..!
" Smile.. You don't own all problems in the World " 1.Make a habit of waking up at 5am. After getting up every morning, first say thanks to god for giving you one more day to live, fulfill your dreams. Always be satisfied with what you have, Never complain to god! 2.Dream up a vision so brave, it makes all around you roll with laughter. Dream big and dare to fail , Never fear failure! 3. Tie your life to a goal , not to people or objects. In this way you will be able to live happy life always no matter what and It’s not about what pain life give’s you, It’s how much you can take and still keep moving forward. 4.When you fall, feel the pain, learn the lesson and then stand up , you were born for victory and failure has no place in your world. 5. Give yourself time , give atleast 1 hour to yourself everyday because 80% of your life's goals are depend upon 20% of what you do in your daily routine. 6.What other’s think of you is none of yo...